Saturday, July 08, 2006

snake handlers for god

recapping the memories of swigging from the lime bottles:
  • dirty hair. it's got: long, thick, uncut, hard to manage now. i wash with vigor, its all getting better.
  • my pee bottle is still in the npz. i hope no one drank from it even though i washed it. a brief look: here.
  • i spent the whole day waking up. i dont know whats wrong. my blood never came back. fai is coming back. i am going to hug her and then i am going to get on a plane and fly to greece. well i would but you know... the job: proof.
  • i like stupid bunnies and im [not] ashamed to admit that the sight of bunnies in the "wild" [note----more wildlife in nyc than one would think] sends me into some kind of instinctual frenzy. last night i saw a bear and a moose on my lawn and could barely plug in the electricity. plenty of dragonflies showing there lisa frank colors--- and wasps will forever be spitting their junk juice in the crap hives in between my windows--- i actually think its very pretty. yellow jackets, wasps, hornets, beeeeez, they are nice from a distance.
  • bumble bees i could just eat.
  • my neighbors will have to get used to the sight of my cannibal corpse tshirt interrupting their margaritaville club parties and let me swim in peace.
  • friday was hectic, i almost fainted. i went in early because we're getting ready to show. man im good. its going to be sad when i say peace out- but then again ive said that a million times and i keep crawling back to the slaughterhouse.
  • the thing i like best about my bathroom upstate is the relatively cool bathroom. i can sit on the toilet and rest my head on the cool sink. its calming. i dont even have to be using the toilet... and there is a second door right next to the bathroom that swings out---albeit into the heart of the wasp nest, but still.

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