Sunday, April 06, 2008

mourning doves.

We used to leave our air conditioners in year-round but someone took mine out this winter. I forget who it was, probably my father when he came over to visit.
Last spring, some birds constructed a next underneath it. They would howl and screech and often I would turn the AC on to scare them because at five in the morning, it could get really, really annoying.

This spring they're back. Problem for them: my air conditioner is gone and they are VERY confused. They keep returning to my sill as if to say: "no no wait wait this WAS the spot I swear."

Then about a week ago, I noticed that they weren't just those twerpy little birdies that scuttle around so regularly in brush. They were mourning doves. Their cries led me to investigation and wikipedia informed me of some interesting info.
They build in urban places, are monogamous and return to the same places to nest.

They were preening each other. I guess she's already knocked up and needs a nest to lay in.

I've been considering writing a blog about my auto immune disease. Not many people are diagnosed with what I have at such a young age. I've been battling this since I was seven and now, sick again, I can't seem to explain to people exactly what is WRONG with me. I have health insurance now, so I plan on going to my specialist v. soon. Developments have also arisen at school. I am a student for life.

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