Monday, March 12, 2007


we all stall,
make mistakes;
sink the basket when no one is looking.

sometimes we're french,
sometimes we can't pay 700 in rent for a shitty place that probably has bedbugs.

style the hair of little kids
who only seem to wear variations of pink.
i am scared to look at my bank account. because i have next to nothing in there and i may possibly have another school to tuitio-size. i also lost my bankcard. and my glass earring. oh yeah... i should go buy hella's there's no 666 in outer space since/for i love the album so much.

cannibal corpse is playing irving.
i'm seeing type o the next night. i'm too broke to buy a ticket right now
but trust me--- i will fucking be there.

nyctv is taking over the world. or maybe just my kingdom.